About Me

Technically I am graduated Land Surveyor. I worked around 5 years as a surveyor and after every year I was getting less and less happy. In some moment one block took my hand and said I don't need to do what I don't like to. And that was a first day I heard about Quality Assurance in software development. Since this moment It's been some time. I have got ITQB cert, I have learned how to write automated tests in Python and Java. You can find my beginnings on personal GitHub! repositories. Also recenly, I have introduced an innovative way of running tests on mobile device in a company I am currently working in. I have succesfully proved a concept to use Appium framework for mobile testing. For now paralelly to my regular duties I am also focused on developing my internal project of mobile testing to get the highest possible value in testing our main project.
If you have any questions to me or about my project or how to start mobile testing please feel free to ask. I will do what I can to anwser as soon as possible.